Early Alphabet Legacy 2.3

And we’re back with the Early Legacy!

Last time: Zenobia and Alex started their (soon to be) large family, first with Yasmine, then with Yeira; and Cheeto the dog was adorable.

We begin with the friendly reminder that Zenobia is indeed pregnant. Again.

But even with the kids, Zenobia and Alex still find time for themselves.

Meanwhile, Yasmine is effing cute. And it’s her birthday!

Yasmine’s new trait is perceptive.

(She’s not perceptive enough to be good at video games tho…)

Upstairs, Yeira is showing the xylophone who’s boss.

And Yasmine practices her architectural skills.

Surprise! Baby #3 was born, and this is the only picture I have of his birth. Meet Yoel Early!

Zenobia immediately went back to reading up for her next promotion—the bills don’t pay themselves, ya know.


…never mind.

Homework. Ugh.

Couch racing! Definitely more fun.

Alex and baby Yoel. I love them.

And here’s toddler Yoel! His traits are angler and eco-friendly.

He’s cute.

Ope, looks like Yeira is upset about not being the center of attention.

Baby #4! Happiness.



Absolutely not. Nope nope nope.

I feel the same, Alex. 100%.

Alas, life must go on, even without the Most Important Dog.

Yoel learned to walk.

And Alex tried to show Yasmine how to actually play.


Working on his screenplay.

Sad about Cheeto forever, but time for a new dog. Meet Sweets.

Do not be fooled, he’s absolutely deranged.

Yeira, hiding from Sweets.

Zenobia was happy about the new dog at least.

That’s a whole lotta teeth.

Yasmine was sad about Cheeto still. (Same.)

When will they learn that the stick is for hitting, not for biting?

Zenobia’s fourth pregnancy sure has been hectic af.

Happy birthday, Yeira!

Her new trait is mean spirited.

(And it shows.)

It was a nice afternoon, and the Earlys went to visit the park!

Alex brought his “best friend,” of course.

And Yeira was upset about having to share the blocks.

A hug from mom ❤


Uh??? Was it the popcorn?

This lady honestly did not come to the park for this.

Another boy! Meet Yarrow Early.

Yarrow’s traits are computer whiz and handy.

Post pregnancy lobster, I guess.


Sweets Early, wild and free.

Alex tried to teach Yarrow to talk.

Yarrow questioned his parenting skills, tbh.

Bake sale!

Yasmine spent a lot of time “taste testing” the goods.

Meanwhile, Yeira had to slave away over the kiddie stove.

Time for another birthday! Here’s to getting older, Alex.

I call this his “misunderstood cinemagraphic genius” look.

Zenobia taught Yarrow to walk.

(Please note Sweets in the background. Lurking…)

Why use the indoor tub when you can flash the neighbors?

Yoel learned his ABCs!

Horror movie vibes

Then it was Zenobia’s turn to enter middle age.

I call this her “can I speak to the manager” look.

When you have four kids, sushi dates have to happen in the kitchen.

Yeira, chasing down her enemies.

Yarrow is cute. And that’s all I have to say about that.

Trying to watch a movie, but your husband ruins it by critiquing the script.

Alex: “You seriously think the prequels are good?! Why did I ever love you?

The girls headed to the park after school.

Yasmine loves science.

Yeira loves making her dad chase her.

After he caught his breath, Alex told a ghost story.

Yeira: “Seriously sick of this shit.”

Even bad dogs need exercise.



There is something wrong with him.

Yeira being nice to her siblings for once? Weird.

Catching up with her very large extended family. (Apparently her dad had bunches of kids with several ladies around town.)


Taking advantage of the warm summer nights.

On a rainy Saturday, the Earlys went to the arcade.

Tots and blocks

Zenobia likes to chat with Cornbread first thing every morning.

…Cornbread would prefer to sleep in.

Again, I say: CREEPY.

And that’s where we end for this time! Thanks for reading, stay tuned for further adventures of Sweets the Deranged Canine.

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