Early Alphabet Legacy 5.1

And we’re back!!

Last time: various teenage shenanigans; Evelyn became an “adult” and did not behave for one second; Xander was an asshole; all the kids had their birthdays and generation four came to a close. Onward!

Surprise, bitches! Wren is our heir.

A beautiful day for graduation.

Wren’s traits are daredevil, computer whiz, evil, disciplined, and cat person. She wants to achieve physical perfection.

Here we go…

With nothing to do at home, Wren went to Shang Simla for a week.

Off to do something culturally inappropriate, most likely.

Time to get down to business.



Wren met fellow tourist Zora at the academy.

They challenged each other to a duel.




Afterward, Wren entertained her new friend with stories about her nutty family.

They continued the conversation over dinner.

Zora thinks the Early family needs professional help.

Sunset vibes

Campfire roast

The next day, the girls went fishing.

Wren may have over-exaggerated her fishing skills…

At the hot springs, Wren begged Zora to keep in touch.

A commemorative selfie

Zora definitely has some feelings.

Back at home, and Wren braved the snowstorm to troll the nightlife for True Love.

Setting some “mood music.”

Ride ’em, cowboy!

And who should happen to be at the club but Hannah, Wren’s old crush from high school.

Wren’s feelings for Hannah were still strong.

Hannah was flattered (and maybe a bit bored).

Looks like it’s a go!

Chalupa, meanwhile, would like Wren to stay at home forever and ever, amen.

Hannah stopped returning Wren’s calls, so she went out with her parents (pathetic).

Contemplating how to wreak mayhem upon the land.

Generation five just started, and Xander is so over the bullshit.

Predictibly, Wren just had to pick a fight. So she started harrassing one of her cousins.


Time to work on her ~fitness~

Evelyn and Chalupa have been spending some quality bonding time lately.

Such a good girl!

Oh snap. Looks like Hannah left Wren with a little “present.”

Hannah (finally) answered Wren’s texts and agreed to meet up.

She was shocked, to say the least.

It turns out that Hannah has no insteres in monogamy or parenting, thankyouverymuch.

Wren would kindly like to know why Hannah had unprotected woohoo. (Because she’s a jerk.)

Anyhoo. Wren is hormonal, single, and sworn enemies with her baby momma.

Time to blow off some steam.

Feels bad, man.

But who should be in town? Zora, Wren’s buddy from Shang Simla.

Zora loves kids, and was delighted to “platonically” help out with the new baby.


In exchange, Wren agreed to offer her physical training services for free.

Poor Zora.

A few days later, Wren invited Zora over to dinner.

Zora was mentally prepared for the batshit family members.

But she wasn’t prepared for Chalupa!

Wren: “Muahahahahaha!”

Oh dear.

Time for the Earlys to head to the Spring Festival!


Xander and Evelyn’s marriage passed the vibe check.

Time for everyone to STUFF THEIR FACES.

Wren’s not feeling to good…

Don’t think the baby likes hotdogs.

Romantic mood

Xander + Evelyn

All the love in the air went to Wren’s head. (Zora was totally fine with it.)

But then Wren went into labor, and all her seduction plans were ruined.


Zora is just making things worse tbh

It’s a boy! Meet Vale Early.

Wren is tired. Luckily, Chalupa takes her grandmotherly duties very seriously.

Phew! That’s it for this update. SO MUCH HAPPENED. Thanks for reading the Early Legacy, folks.

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