Early Alphabet Legacy 3.1

Welcome back to the Early Legacy, and get ready for Generation Three!

Last time: all the kids aged up to young adult; and queen of nonsense slash beloved legacy heir Zenobia died…then came back to life. Onward!

Announcement: the Earlys moved!

New generation, new ‘hood, new house—same old purple.

The gnomes say hello.

Sweets, resident deranged canine, also says hello.

But that what you really want to know is: WHO IS THE HEIR?

It’s Yoel. Duh. Adorable grumpyface king of my heart.

Yoel’s traits are angler, eco-friendly, grumpy, loves the outdoors, and vegetarian. He wants to own a perfect private aquarium.

Not going well so far…

Baby himbo Yarrow is hanging out at the house until he graduates. Here he is with his music box. (I love him, your honor.)

Here’s Alex feeding the family since nobody else is gonna do it.

And here’s Zenobia, who apparently learned NOTHING from her near-death experience.

Yoel went out to try and make some friends, but the veggie eggrolls were deffo not veggie. Rude.

*plays mood music*

Yoel met somebody at the bowling alley!

They made plans to meet up again later…

Seems like hipster boi Maddox caught some feels.

Back at home, it was time for a brotherly game of frisbee.

Soon Yarrow will move out and I’ll be ~in a mood~

Yoel will also be moody. (But isn’t he always?)

Graduation day!

Yarrow was voted Most Likely to Have a Golden Retriever Named Buddy.

Goodbye, sweet dumdum! May the gods of Story Progression be kind.

That afternoon, Yoel met up with Maddox at the beach!



Maddox made a move before Yoel had to use a horrible pickup line.


Meanwhile, Sweets got old and now he can’t be assed to stand up while eating.

Yoel decided to pick a fight with his mom about purple being the “family color.”

Zenobia: “Don’t look at me, it was literally your grandma. And anyway, see how cute we both are in our purple PJs?”

Alex decided to write a screenplay about his love of animals, but like…Artistically.

Problem was, there weren’t enough pets in the household. So Alex got himself a cat.

Meet Tortellini.

Sweets was apalled by the new family member.

Sweets: “Okay but can we give him back or…?”

Elsewhere, Yoel was being a perfect little bean.

He played chess with a cousin.

Then he tried to grill up some sausages.

He tried, and therefore nobody should criticize him.

Next, the older sisters showed up. Hi Yasmine!

Hi Yeira! Starting fights as usual, I see.

Yoel went home and got some comfort from Tortellini.

The stars are a bit strange here, but not to worry: Zenobia will sort it out.

Birthday time!

Double birthday time!!

Old lady Zenobia

Old man Alex

A blurry selfie for “the Facebook”

It rained most of the summer, but that didn’t stop Yoel from walking them streets.


Bonding with el gato

Tortellini: “Excuse me? No paparazzi right now. I’m working here.”

Yoel met up with Maddox on the boardwalk for a hotdog eating contest. (yeah yeah, insert dirty joke)

Yoel lost 👿


PSA: Maddox is a cutie

Yep. I like this.

After a successful night, Yoel took his little booty to bed.

I call this one “Old Folks at Home”

Even bad dogs get walkies

Sign? What sign? Yoel doesn’t know her.

Yoel and Maddox went for a date in the garden.


How could you say no to this face?

hashtag engaged

Maddox’s traits are no sense of humor, slob, unlucky, dog person, and computer whiz. He wants to be an international super spy. (Which is not a real job, but we’ll humor him.)

Maddox met Tortellini.

Tortellini not impressed…

Zenobia and Sweets played a rousing game of tag.

Sweets: “Like I give a fuck, lady.”

And that’s it for this update! See you all later.

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