Early Alphabet Legacy 6.3

The Earlys are back again! Hooray.

Last time: Alyssa had two more babies, Usha and Ulysses; the Earlys adopted two pets, Hashbrown the dog and Turnip the cat; Victor spent a lot of time practicing his evil supervillain cackle; Uriah had a birthday and became a child.

Fucking Turnip is at it again.

I love her, but I hate her. You get me?

Uriah is very dedicated to his school work.

It’s hard work being a genius.

Downstairs, Usha and Ulysses are very dedicated to hitting each other with wooden blocks.

It takes all kinds, I guess.

Victor is enjoying some end-of-summer pool time.

But why was Hashbrown not invited to sit on the floatie?


In case you forgot, I am obssessed with this dog.

Everyone else in the family is obssessed, too, because they are people of taste.

On the last day of summer, everyone went to the park.

Wren was on toddler wrangling duty.

Uriah rode his rocketship to the moon.

Alyssa went off and did her own thing as if she had no obligations whatsoever.

As per usual.

“Olgar” terrified and amazed unsuspecting strangers with his crappy magic stricks.

Hashbrown ran around like a deranged angel child.

And Zora was very zen.

At home, Victor made sure that suspiciously Anglo-looking baby Ulysses got love and affection.

Fine, fine, I’ll stop making comments about the kid’s Caucasity.


Everybody loves Hashbrown!

Babies in baby jail, part 1

Babies in baby jail, part 2

It’s Usha’s birthday!

Happy birthday!!

Usha’s new trait is unlucky.

(But she definitely got some lucky genetic inheritance, imo.)

Alyssa taught Ulysses to walk!

Nice work, kid.

Usha is now queen of the block table. Get outta here, bro.

The Earlys hired yet another maid! Meet Caryn.

Looks like we can keep her…for now.


I love this shit.


Never mind. Usha decided to critique her mom’s hugging technique.

Alyssa just doesn’t understand kids these days.

At breakfast, Usha presented a plan to prank the grownups.

Uriah loves the plan.

Usha: “Like you could have thought anything like this up on your own.”

Ulysses: ~no thoughts, just vibes~


Alyssa was promoted to trauma surgeon!

There’s a monster under Usha’s bed!

She is unphased.

Rainy autumn afternoon

Olgar the Horrible is at it again!


Maybe Victor should rethink his career choices?


Future supervillain + her black cat.

Block time

Alyssa decided to play with Turnip for a bit.

Turnip is unimpressed with this human attention.

Aye aye, sir!

Grandma Wren is on the prowl…

Usha: “Am I…am I supposed to be scared right now, or…?”

Usha: “Fine. I’M SO SCARED!!!”

Hashbrown ❤

Zora made fun of Olgar the Horrible’s latest magic show. (Valid.)

Zora: “Son, I don’t know what you want me to say. Your magic is shit.”

Victor: “Rude.”

It’s Ulysses’ birthday!

Happy birthday!

Ulysses’ new trait is virtuoso.

Fun and games at the autumn festival!

Father/daughter pie-eating contest

Alyssa got #spooked

Ulysses flew to the moon! (And wished he didn’t have to come back.)

Grumpy boi

Zora showed off her grandkids to Caryn the maid.

Silly face

Silly face, pt. 2

Wren has mastered her painting skillz

The kids made friends with their cousin Lenny!

Cousin Lenny made the mistake of agreeing to pillowfight Usha.

Got ’em!

Victor had a very intense jam session in Usha’s bedroom

These faces tho

wtf sir

Brother bonding ❤

Ulysses stole all of Uriah’s blocks. Rude.

But now it’s Uriah’s birthday!

Happy birthday!

Uriah’s new trait is rebellious.

Birthday boy tried out some bowling.


Alyssa gave it a try!

Now Usha’s turn…

Embarrassments, both of them.

What is wrong with this family?!

Victor + Alyssa = ❤

And that’s it for this update! Thanks for reading!

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