Early Alphabet Legacy 5.6

Welcome to the final update of generation five! Last time: The Earlys had a delightful Spooky Day; all three boys attempted to find a girlfriend; Chalupa, queen of our hearts, died; it snowed a whole bunch; Wren and Zora went out for a date at the club. We begin with the first of our birthdays.… Continue reading Early Alphabet Legacy 5.6

Early Alphabet Legacy 5.5

Hello again! The Earlys are back in town. Last time: The Earlys hosted their annual summer pool party; Xander died twice; Evelyn died once; Vale and Virgil became teenagers; Chalupa declared the Grim Reaper her nemesis. Wren got a promotion and a truly hideous haircut. Yay. Virgil's stll feeling depressed about his grandma dying in… Continue reading Early Alphabet Legacy 5.5

Early Alphabet Legacy 5.1

And we're back!! Last time: various teenage shenanigans; Evelyn became an "adult" and did not behave for one second; Xander was an asshole; all the kids had their birthdays and generation four came to a close. Onward! Surprise, bitches! Wren is our heir. A beautiful day for graduation. Wren's traits are daredevil, computer whiz, evil, disciplined, and… Continue reading Early Alphabet Legacy 5.1